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Moving to raw?

Raw Primer & Transitioning

The Advantages

The fastest growing segment of the pet food industry today is commercially prepared raw food. Some may argue that it’s a fad but if we consider that dogs have been domesticated for about 14,000 years & cats 10,000, and kibble has been around for maybe 100 years, what were they eating 200 years ago or 2,000 years ago? I feel the idea of feeding pets a more natural diet is a reflection of our own dinner plates and the knowledge that processed food isn’t as bioavailable nutritionally as whole foods. 


Advantages reported by raw feeders:

- shinier, healthier coat with less dander and less shedding

- less volume of stool and a litter box that doesn’t smell

- a stronger gut with improved digestion

- a strengthened immune system

- more energy and stamina

- cleaner teeth and better breath

- improved behaviour

- reduction of allergies 

- typically there are no additives, colouring, preservatives, or synthetic vitamins added

We will help you find your raw solution
Things to consider

If you are considering a raw diet for your pet, here are a few things to consider:

- ideally the mix should contain 70% muscle meat / 10-15% bone / 10% organ / 5-10% vegetable (cats can have more organ and zero veg)

- calorie wise we want approximately 49% of calories to be from protein, 45% of calories to be from fat, and 6% from carbs (cats can have more calories from fat and less from carbs)

- rotating proteins ensures a more balanced and nutritionally complete diet

- choose organic, lean cuts of meat preferably grass fed, free range, antiobitic & hormone free

Most dogs will jump on the bandwagon when being switched to a raw diet, cats on the other hand, may be more of a challenge. Patience and a positive attitude will go a long way.


The following tips for transitioning may be of help:

- add probiotics to help lower the pH about a month before switching

- apple cider vinegar is another good adder to help prepare the gut

- start with 1 lean protein source without bone (bone is the hardest part to digest)

- add bones after a week or two

- keep in mind your pet may go through a detox which can include vomiting, diarhea, stool enveloped in mucas, and it may happen immediately or within the first two weeks


In conclusion, this article is a very brief intro into feeding raw. Whether you wish to make your own raw, home cook, or buy commercial raw, please come speak to us. Together we can fine tune your pet’s transition and answer all your questions.

Be patient & positive during transition
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