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Seasonal Allergies are here again.

Most people these days realize that our pet’s can suffer from food allergies but seasonal allergies are an issue as well, and harder to treat. With food allergies (once you learn the triggering food) you can eliminate it from the diet. Unless your pet lives in a bubble, he/she will be exposed to seasonal triggers regularly during the season. As per Wikipedia “Allergies, also known as allergic diseases, are various conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to typically harmless substances in the environment.” But first, how can you tell if you pet has seasonal allergies? Usually, the symptoms listed below will occur anytime from Spring to late Summer:


  • Itchiness, hot spots, dry skin

  • Runny nose

  • Runny or swollen eyes

  • Sneezing or coughing

  • Nasal or eye discharge

  • Yeast infections

The challenge with pet’s is to limit their exposure to environmental allergens like pollen, grass, hay, fungi, and mold, because they don’t wear protective clothing, they are closer to the ground where a lot of these triggers are, they don’t wash daily, and their fur traps particles floating in the air. We can help somewhat by bathing them frequently with a gentle pet-appropriate shampoo and a rinse of 25/25/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar/brewed green tea/water. We can wipe them down before coming in the house and providing a foot bath with the same mixture. Keep tabs on the pollen indicator provided by the weather channel and consider keeping windows closed during high pollen count days. Washing their bedding regularly, vacuuming more frequently, and maybe even having an air purifier in the house.

Internally, we can provide them with natural antihistamines and remedies to boost their immunity and reduce inflammation. Ideally, the following suggestions should be started before allergy season but can be administered at any time to help provide relief.

Natural Remedies:

  • Quercetin, nature’s antihistamine. Quercetin is a dietary antioxidant flavonoid found in fruits and vegetables, and it helps prevent immune cells from releasing histamine when an allergen is discovered in the body. However, for it to be beneficial, a concentrated supplement is required. Look for it on its own or in allergy relief supplements for pets. Be sure it also contains bromelain, an enzyme that makes quercetin more effective.

  • Colostrum, found in mother’s first milk. Colostrum contains a component that changes the response of the body to allergens. It is also an anti-inflammatory and can reduce histamine. Lastly, it supplies antibodies to common allergens. And if that isn’t enough, it strengthens the gut, optimizes the oral cavity and musculoskeletal system, and improves skin and coat!

  • Mushrooms, especially ones high in beta-glucan. This fiber is found in mushrooms and it binds to specific immune cells and helps prevent inflammation and allergic reactions. The mushrooms with the highest levels of beta-glucan are Reishi, Shiitake, Cordyceps, Turkey Tail, and Maitake. Never feed raw mushrooms. Your best option is a dehydrated powder and organic.

  • Probiotics specifically for pets. Most of our pet’s immune system is in their gut and the healthier the immune system is, the better they can resist allergies. Dogs and cats have a much more acidic stomach and a shorter and more efficient digestive tract so it is important to provide pet specific probiotics.

  • Omega-3’s to reduce inflammation. Look for high levels of ETA, EPA, and SDA omegas. Good choices are green lipped mussel, algae, phytoplankton, harp seal, and fish oil.

If your pet suffers from seasonal allergies, consider trying these suggestions! Take notes so you can start to see a pattern. Perhaps there are certain places that cause more of a reaction, therefore avoid those areas. Now until next Spring, work on building up your pet’s immunity and consider adding Quercetin to your daily regime about a month before seasonal allergies start and throughout the season in order to lower histamine levels. Natural solutions take more work but in the long wrong, they will build up your pet’s immune system and make them healthier overall.

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